33 results for author: Dasha Gaian

VIDEO: Rock Dust and Biochar as a Strategy for Carbon Sequestration (at SER2011)

RTE has filmed a discussion on the potential role of remineralization to sequester carbon and stabilize the climate. Three prominent speakers participated in the discussion during SER2011, the 4th World Conference on Ecological Restoration in Merida, Mexico: Dr. Goreau, President of the Global Coral Reef Alliance and Coordinator of the UN Commission (SIDSPINST), Ron Larson, an expert on biochar, and Albert Bates, author and director of the Institute for Appropriate Technology. (more…)

Outstanding Results of Dr. Goreau’s Rock Dust Trials in Panama at SER2011

Dr. Thomas Goreau's research study showing an 8-fold increase in biomass volume of trees remineralized with basalt rock dust, was presented at SER2011 by RTE's executive director Joanna Campe. Click "read more" to view and download the presentation. (more…)

Minerals for Aging Soils

Ahora que he superado el medio siglo, me siento afortunado de solo haber desmejorado solo un poco conforme mi cuerpo hace frente al envejecimiento. No obstante, los dolores persistentes en las articulaciones y los huesos están dando señales de que mi cuerpo está envejeciendo. Estos dolores no son ninguna sorpresa, por supuesto. Estudios científicos indican que conforme los organismos envejecen su metabolismo se hace más lento y sus tejidos se acidifican. (more…)

¿Cómo remineralizar?

Qué tipo de roca es la más adecuada, cómo probar y aplicar la harina de rocas, cómo manter los insectos en equilibrio natural en tu jardín y otras preguntas y respuestas. (more…)

Watch the Documentary on Remineralization in Rural Brazil

RTE has released a documentary about a research project proving remineralization to be an effective and sustainable strategy for producing higher yields and nutrient dense crops in remote Brazilian communities. Click "Read more" to watch the video in Portuguese with English subtitles. (more…)

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Remineralization In Rural Brazil

A research project in Bahia proves remineralization to be an effective adjunct strategy for remote impoverished communities to produce higher yields of quality crops while remaining independent from chemical fertilizers and government subsidies. (more…)

Delving into nutrient density-RUS

Питательность - новый стандарт в органическом земледелии Автор: Kelsey BlackwellПеревод: Olga IourotchkinaФото: Jennifer Wilt В центре плодородной долины Уилламетт на западе штата Орегон фермер Боб Уилт обходит ряды своей тридцатигектарной плантации органической черники, внимательно осматривая и срывая спелые ягоды для анализа. Он собирается исследовать их не на наличие ...

Perfect nutrient dense blueberries integrating compost teas, minerals and biological soil management

Organic Connections magazine has published a story on blueberry grower Bob Wilt who found that the more efficiently he was able to get minerals into his berries, the higher the brix measurement went. Hence, he concentrated on doing that and still does to this day. And as the brix has gone up, so has the flavor. (more…)

Perfect nutrient dense blueberries integrating compost teas, minerals and biological soil management

Perfect nutrient dense blueberries integrating compost teas, minerals and biological soil management Blueberry grower Bob Wilt found that the more efficiently he was able to get minerals into his berries, the higher the brix measurement went. Hence, he concentrated on doing that and still does to this day. And as the brix has gone up, so has the flavor.“You’re aiming for a higher percent of dissolved solids in the plant—a higher percentage of complex carbohydrates, sugars and proteins,” says Dan Kittredge, executive director of the Real Food Campaign and an experienced organic farmer himself. “These are the elements that correlate ...