2 results for tag: Dr. Thomas Goreau

Outstanding Results of Dr. Goreau’s Rock Dust Trials in Panama at SER2011

Dr. Thomas Goreau's research study showing an 8-fold increase in biomass volume of trees remineralized with basalt rock dust, was presented at SER2011 by RTE's executive director Joanna Campe. Click "read more" to view and download the presentation. (more…)

Green Disc Press Release

SIDS Partnership Launches The Interactive Multimedia Green Disc: New Technologies For A New Future Press Release December 16 2009, Bella Center, Copenhagen, Denmark United Nations Conference on Climate Change COP-15 Remineralize the Earth and soil remineralization have been included in a 40 chapter interactive multimedia disc of innovative, proven, cost-effective new technologies for integrated sustainable development, adaptation to rising temperature and sea level, and solutions for reversing global climate change. The Green Disc was circulated to all COP-15 delegations today. The technologies include a wide variety of new renewable energy ...