9 results for tag: Costa Rica

Viva La Raw: Inventor Transforms Costa Rican Farming With Local Artisan’s Rock Dust

Nestled within the lush Costa Rican landscapes, a health-conscious innovator and horticultural pioneer has been rewriting the rules of farming.

Alleviating Hunger and Poverty in Cameroon

Remineralize the Earth is partnering with Research and Education Centre for Development (CREPD) to develop an agroforestry project to benefit small farmers in Cameroon - utilizing rock dust and intercropping nitrogen-fixing jatropha with fruit and nut trees to restore soils, increase yields, and provide food, fuel and income for local communities. (more…)

Remineralization Workshop in Cameroon

April 2011 marks the modest beginnings of a new era of sustainable development in Cameroon. A two-day workshop beginning April 1st, sponsored by Remineralize the Earth (RTE) and organized by Dr. Gilbert Kuepouo, introduced the principles and practices of remineralization in the context of a new agriculture for Cameroon. This small country in central Africa is a place of natural diversity and rich agricultural traditions, but in recent years, industrialized farming has taken a heavy toll on the health of the environment and the integrity of rural communities. (more…)

John Todd – Ecology From 40,000 Feet

“When we’re flying at 40,000 feet and we look down, we see a marvelous amount of innovation in agriculture, environmental restoration, green architecture, in systems design and in renewable energy development,” Dr. John Todd tells Organic Connections. “The news on the ground has never been richer, more diverse or in some respects more global. There probably isn’t a continent on which we don’t have something happening, and that just wasn’t the case 20 years ago.” (more…)

RTE At RETECH 2009 Conference

Remineralize the Earth Announces: 2009 RETECH Conference Las Vegas, NV, February 25th-27th,Las Vegas Convention CenterRPM Ecosystems Fast-Growing TreesThe International Biochar Initiativeand Remineralize the Earth "There is one way we could save ourselves and that is through the massiveburial of charcoal. It would mean farmers turning all their agriculturalwaste - which contains carbon that the plants have spent the summersequestering - into non-biodegradable charcoal, and burying it in the soil.Then you can start shifting really hefty quantities of carbon out of thesystem and pull the CO2 down quite fast." James Lovelock in New Scientist ...

Ocean Arks Carbon Sequestering Project: A Forest in Costa Rica

Almost a year ago we embarked upon a long hoped for dream. Our Costa Rica based colleagues and partners, long term New Alchemist William Turley and his green-thumbed wife Angie Sanchez are planting trees on their land on the deforested lower slopes of the Volcano Miravalles in Guanacaste. (more…)

Ocean Arks Carbon Sequestering Project: A Forest in Costa Rica

Agroforestry Project in Costa Rica: Food, Fuels & Income to Sustain Local Communities By John Todd Project manager William Turley showing one year old Jatropha fruit Almost a year ago we embarked upon a long hoped for dream. Our Costa Rica based colleagues and partners, long term New Alchemist William Turley and his green- thumbed wife Angie Sanchez are planting trees on their land on the deforested lower slopes of the Volcano Miravalles in Guanacaste. Our plan is to replace formerly forested, overgrazed grasslands there with a working landscape of trees. The land is currently leased from William and Angie. Within the year we would like to buy ...


The Potential of Remineralization with Rock Mineral Fines to Transform Agriculture, Forestry, Sustainable Biofuel Production, Sequester Carbon and Stabilize the Climate Remineralize the Earth (RTE), an international nonprofit (NGO) based in Northampton, Massachusetts has been invited by the State Department to sponsor an Official Side Event at the Washington International Renewable Energy Conference 2008 (WIREC) on March 3rd. President Joanna Campe and Executive Director Dan Kittredge will be speakers. (more…)

Agroforestry Project in Costa Rica: Food, Fuels & Income to Sustain Local Communities

Remineralize the Earth is initiating its first international project in conjunction with John Todd, an internationally-recognized biologist and a visionary leader in the field of ecological design, and Ocean Arks International. (more…)