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John Mussington & Thomas J. F. Goreau, PhD
White paper from the Global Coral Reef Alliance on the benefits of using volcanic rock dust from the island of Montserrat to regenerate soils in the Caribbean.
Global Repair Conference – General (PDF Presentation)
Joanna Campe
Global Repair – Forests (PDF Presentation)
Joanna Campe
Brazil Presentation English Version (PDF Presentation)
Joanna Campe
Brazil Presentation Portuguese Version (PDF Presentation)
Joanna Campe
Interviews with Joanna Campe and Don Weaver on 21st Century Radio
Interviews with Joanna Campe and Don Weaver on 21st Century Radio
Joanna Campe, founder and executive director of Remineralize the Earth (RTE), and Don Weaver appeared on 21st Century Radio with Dr. Zohara Hieronimus in June. They shared exciting news about remineralization efforts around the world and their impact on agriculture, health, and climate.
Cuba Conference Presentation
5th International Conference of Agroecology and Cooperatives
Creating Food Security Agroforestry with Soil Remineralization
The Potential of Remineralization: Transforming ecological, economic and social challenges on a regional and global scale.
Remineralize the Earth
Advancing Renewable Energy in Latin America and Integrated Farm Energy Systems, RELACCx, Puerto Rico, November 19, 2014
Agroforestry: Addressing Climate Challenges and Improving Social Conditions
V. Miranda Chase, Research Associate
Advancing Renewable Energy in Latin America and Integrated Farm Energy Systems, RELACCx, Puerto Rico, November 19, 2014
Campe and Chase Interview - Remineralize the Earth [Audio]
RELACCX Conference Interviews with Jeff Beller and Susan Caumont
Jeff Beller and Susan Caumont interview Joanna Campe of Remineralize the Earth.
David Blume and Joanna Campe Interview - Biology of the Soil, Using Stealth Moves to Bring Down Corporations
RELACCX Conference Interviews with Jeff Beller and Susan Caumont
David Blume and Joanna Campe Interview: Biology of the Soil, Using Stealth Moves to Bring Down Corporations.
RELACCX Conference Interviews with Jeff Beller and Susan Caumont.
Remineralize the Earth PDF Presentation
Costa Rica Agroforestry Project
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III Congresso Brasileiro de Rochagem, November 8 - 11, 2016, Pelotas/Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil