33 results for author: Dasha Gaian

Delving into nutrient density

In the middle of the fertile Willamette Valley in western Oregon, farmer Bob Wilt walks the rows of his 75-acre organic blueberry farm critically plucking ripe fruit for analysis. What he’s looking for is not sweetness or pest resistance (though these factors are certainly involved), but the fruit’s nutrient density. Thus far, his berries measure up. Test.   (more…)


РЕМИНЕРАЛИЗАЦИЯ ПОЧВ И ОКРУЖАЮЩАЯ СРЕДА За несколько тысяч лет эрозия истощила плодородные слои почвы во всем мире. Для нормального роста растениям, так же как и нам, необходимо постоянное поступление минералов - кальция для прочности тканей, железа для усвоения кислорода и т.д.Растения, произрастающие на истощенной земле и не получающие достаточного ...

Nutrient Density Crop Production Workshop Series for 2010

Nutrient Density Crop Production Workshop Series for 2010 This is designed to give the farmer/gardener all of the information, techniques, tools, and support necessary to become a producer of cutting edge maximum quality crops in the North. Led by Real Food Campaign Director Dan Kittredge. Western Massachusetts: Jan-17-2010, Mar-14-2010, May-02-2010, Jul-11-2010, Sep-12-2010 & Nov-14-2010 Connecticut: Jan-24-2010, Mar-21-2010, May-16-2010, Jul-18-2010, Sep-19-2010 & Nov-21-2010 New York: Jan-10-2010, Mar-07-2010, May-08-2010, Jul-10-2010, Sep-11-2010 & Nov-07-2010 Vermont BEGINNING DATE REVISED: Feb-21-2010, Mar-28-2010, ...

CETEM sponsors Agrominerals for Biofuels

CETEM, the mineral industry association in Brazil, is following up on another symposium on March 12th in Rio de Janeiro with workshops on agrominerals for biofuels. (more…)

CETEM sponsors Agrominerals for Biofuels

CETEM sponsors Agrominerals for Biofuels March 12, 2010 CETEM, the mineral industry association in Brazil, is following up on another symposium on March 12th in Rio de Janeiro with workshops on agrominerals for biofuels. The workshops are free and open to the public. The project Agrominerals for biofuels is sponsored by the fund CT-Mineral, Ministry of Science and Technology, run by CETEM and financed with resources of FINEP. Those interested in participating can register with Ms. Gisele Rose by e-mail: silva@cetem.gov.br, or by phone: (21) 3865-7214. Address: Rio de Janeiro, Av Pedro Calmon, 900 - Cidade Universitária. From 9:00 to 17:30.

Stonemeal Technology: Changing the Poverty Scenario in Brazil

Stonemeal Technology: Changing the Poverty Scenario in Brazil Suzi H. Theodoro, Othon H. Leonardos, Kleysson G. Rego and Eduardo L. Rocha ABSTRACT Stonemeal technique within an agro-geo-ecological, technological context was introduced to a specific group of family farmers in the state of Bahia, northeast of Brazil as part of a partnership between the University of Brasilia and the Bahia State government. The group was composed of ‘afrodescent’ farmers who live in isolated communities. The ’Cio da Terra Project’ aims at improving soils and agricultural production, and serves about 1200 families in ten communities. In general, communi...

test page

Joanna Campe Abadiania, Brazil Bougainvillea before remineralization. Bougainvillea six weeks later.   (more…)


Зачем нужна реминерализация? В этом непреднамеренном эксперименте в нашем саду мы реминерализовали почву на одной из грядок мелкодисперсным гранитным осадком из скважины, расположенной на нашем участке. Морковь, выросшая в обработанной таким образом почве - слева на фотографии. Справа, для сравнения, морковь, выращенная раньше, в грунте, который еще не ...

Joanna Campe’s Testimonial

Joanna Campe Abadiania, Brazil Bougainvillea before remineralization. Bougainvillea six weeks later. For the last four years I have been spending a few months every year at a healing center in Brazil during the winter and rent a house with a lovely garden. Last year a friend, Walter Schroth, who has an inn called Pousada Caminho Encantado very close by, became an avid remineralizer and has remineralized hundreds of trees. This trip he offered me some rock dust that he gets from the local quarry, a quite finely ground bluish basaltwhich looks very similar to the basalt available in Kauai, which is referred to as bluestone...

RTE Description (Spanish)

Remineralize the Earth es una organización sin fines lucrativos que asiste al movimiento mundial de remineralizar el suelo con harina de roca finamente molida, minerales marinos y otros medios naturales sostenibles para incrementar el crecimiento, salud y valor nutritivo de toda vida vegetal. Añadir minerales y elementos traza es vital para la creación de suelos fértiles así como cosechas y bosques sanos, y supone una estrategia clave para estabilizar el clima.