13 results for tag: health and nutrition
Stone Age Science: Rejuvenating the Earth with Rock Dust
Dylan Keating explores the global implications of rock dust and explains why applying it in our gardens can transform our crops.
We Want Real Food
We Want Real Food
We Want Real Food is a book that calls for the remineralisation of soil and advocates the use of Rock Dust. It is currently receiving publicity in the Daily Mail and the Daily Telegraph.
In the past 50 years vegetables on sale in the UK have lost 24% of their magnesium, 27% of their iron and 46% of their calcium. It is time to stop the rot!
The campaign for real food begins with us, whether we shop at farmers markets, organic suppliers or at the supermarkets. We Want Real Food by Graham Harvey sets out what we can do to win the fight back for 'nutrient-rich' food that will stop us from damaging our health - in fact, a fight for ...
Real Food Campaign at Whole Foods Markets
For Release after October 1, 2007
Remineralize the Earth (www.remineralize.org), an international environmental nonprofit organization based in Northampton, Massachusetts, is working together with two Whole Foods Market stores in Massachusetts in October to raise funds for its new Real Food campaign.
The Real Food campaign will be launched in the coming months. It is focused on educating and networking farmers, agronomists, policy makers, supermarkets and consumers about remineralized, nutrient dense foods that are high in minerals and trace elements.
Currently most food crops are grown on poor soils resulting in crops that are deficient in many ...