3 results for tag: Greg Watson
Greg Watson to Deliver 39th Annual Schumacher Lecture
“One of the most important things humans can do as constructive passengers aboard Spaceship Earth is to help restore the health of our planet’s soils and climate."
--Greg Watson
An urgent question we must answer is: what effective action we can take in response to climate change? The 39th Annual Schumacher Lectures will work toward answering this question under the title and theme "Actionable Responses to Climate Change."
RTE Board Director Greg Watson (alongside the other Schumacher Lecturer, Sallie Calhoun) will bring his realistic--but optimistic--vision of climate action to the 39th Annual Schumacher Lectures.
Watson is ...
Launching Remineralize! A Fundraiser for the Future
RTE is launching a new fundraising campaign to fulfill our mission on a larger scale well into the future.
Remineralization is a blueprint for restoring ecological balance. In replenishing our soils, this simple solution is crucial to rolling back the effects of climate change.
Rock powders act as a natural slow release, long-lasting fertilizer greatly increasing soil fertility, biomass, biological productivity, and food supplies. At the same time, chemical reaction with rocks is the major mechanism that removes CO2 from the atmosphere on geological time scales. This is an important solution to reverse runaway global climate change. ...
Al Gore, Meet Soil4Climate – Spontaneous Soil Summit at Tufts University Reception
“Al Gore’s leadership on climate change has been second to none. The inclusion of soil carbon drawdown in his Climate Reality training of climate educators has helped spread awareness of soil’s role in climate mitigation.”
- Dr. Bill Moomaw
Vice President Al Gore recently spoke with two Soil4Climate representatives at a reception at Tufts University. Gore traveled to Tufts on February 7th to kick off the Spring 2018 Tisch College Distinguished Speaker Series. At the reception after Gore’s talk, William “Bill” Moomaw, Tufts University professor and Soil4Climate Advisory Board member, and Josephine “Josie” Watson, Tufts senior ...