ERW24: Enhanced Rock Weathering Conference

Time & Location

Conference Title: ERW24: Enhanced Rock Weathering Conference

Host Organizations: Yale University

Date: Apr 26 – Apr 27, 2024

Location: Yale University, Friday: Kline Geology Laboratory 210 Whitney Ave, New Haven, CT 06511. Saturday: Marsh Lecture Hall Gibbs Lab, 260 Whitney Ave, New Haven, CT 06511

Conference Description: “Join us at ERW24, the second annual Enhanced Rock Weathering Conference, held at Yale University. This conference aims to bring together experts in the field to discuss topics such as commercialization, cost, implementation, and new scientific advancements in rock weathering.”

Special Note: RTE is pleased to announce that we will be attending ERW24, the second annual Enhanced Rock Weathering Conference, bringing together voices and perspectives from across the field. We look forward to collaborating, learning, and sharing with fellow researchers, academics, market stakeholders, and others and contribute to the advancement of remineralization. We hope to see some of you there!

Conference Website:



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