Dirt Rich, a new documentary by filmmaker Marcelina Cravat about geotherapy and regenerative agriculture, now has an official trailer and is making the rounds of film festivals. The film is narrated by actor Gregory Cruz and features music by Tom Rhodes. It has appeared in film festivals, including at the Green Film Fest in San Francisco, and will contribute to raising awareness of remineralization.

Filmmaker Marcelina Cravat
The filmmaking team of the award winning environmental documentary, Angel Azul, is about to release Dirt Rich, a creative and ambitious first of its kind documentary as it comprehensively shifts focus on the topic of global warming from one of emissions, to carbon drawdown. All too often we as a society try to address issues in a compartmentalized fashion that limits the effectiveness of solutions by underappreciating the positive and negative synergies of interconnectivity. Dirt Rich employs a refreshing approach, blending a narrative feel with documentary filmmaking. By doing this, it relaxes resistance to new ideas and perspectives and gives viewers a chance to reset their understanding by connecting people on a human and emotional level free from compartmentalization. Through beautiful footage shot around the world, thought provoking metaphors, dual messaging, and fantastic music, Dirt Rich empowers viewers with knowledge and inspiration to participate in solutions that can literally reverse the vast effects of runaway global warming.

Actor Gregory Cruz narrator of Dirt Rich
We are alive during a very narrow window of time available to re-stabilize atmospheric carbon levels and replenish the planet’s desperately depleted soils. With over 400 carbon parts per million in the earth’s atmosphere, and only enough good soil to support 64 more harvests on the current trajectory, Dirt Rich presents the timely strategies necessary to address these critical issues. Through regenerative agricultural practices, reforestation of abandoned land, protection and the restoration of carbon rich wetlands, and protection of keystone species, Dirt Rich educates and inspires viewers to contemplate how our choices matter, and that everything on this planet connects.
The soil ecosystem is not only the largest carbon sink we can increase quickly, but it also maintains about 99% of the living biomass on the planet and regulates atmospheric chemistry, global climate, sea level and water supplies. Yet we treat soil like dirt! The film introduces the public to these strategies in a way that inspires understanding and respect for the gravity of the two problems driving global climate change: depleted soils and dangerous atmospheric carbon levels. This solution-based film expands the focus of the conversation beyond the topic of “emissions,” to one of carbon sequestration, illustrating that only by returning the excess CO2 from where it is most dangerous (in the atmosphere) to where it is most stable and provides the greatest ecosystem service benefits (the soil) can we stabilize climate quickly enough to prevent runaway global warming.

Dr. Tom Goreau speaking during his interview in Dirt Rich
Remineralization and geotherapy play a prominent role in Dirt Rich. The film features interviews with Dr. Tom Goreau, a board director of Remineralize the Earth and editor of Geotherapy: Innovative Methods of Soil Fertility Restoration, Carbon Sequestration, and Reversing CO2 Increase. Director Marcelina Cravat turns a skilled filmmaker’s eye on the work of Goreau and others.

Ensuring the future for the next generation
Cravat got the idea to make Dirt Rich from a comment Dr. Goreau made during the filming of Angel Azul. She asked him about the possibility of a machine that could remove carbon from the atmosphere, and he responded, “Yes, we have the perfect machine, and…. it’s called, a tree!” This led Cravat to explore the ideas of geotherapy, regenerative agriculture, and remineralization.
The film’s newsletter explains that Dirt Rich “is focused on strategies to reverse the effects of runaway global warming through the revitalization of living soil through carbon drawdown.” The film covers Dr. Goreau’s recent remineralization trials in Panama, as well as a new project he is planning to carry out with the indigenous community of Panama. It also covers other innovative uses of remineralization, including a hotel that uses remineralization to grow their food.

Creating a future for all life
Cravat hopes this project will be more than just a film, she plans to incorporate this into an outreach program. In 2015, a grant Berkeley Film Foundation provided the money to begin the Angel Azul Public School Outreach Program, which gave all schools in the San Francisco Bay Area access to Angel Azul. Sometime soon, she plans to include Dirt Rich as part of this educational program. Dirt Rich presents an opportunity for outreach and education about remineralization.
Joanna Campe is the founder and executive director of Remineralize the Earth.
Linked resources
- Dirt Rich official trailer https://vimeo.com/255968372
- Dirt Rich official website http://www.dirtrichthemovie.com/
- Angel Azul Public School Outreach Program Discussion Guide http://angelazulthemovie.com/AngelAzulPublicSchoolProgramDiscussionGuide.pdf
Y q.
June 22, 2018 (2:11 pm)
Its time to tour city to city, state to state and suggest locals organize and educate ways to help out.
Yvette Q.
June 22, 2018 (2:13 pm)
I want this taught in all public school in the United States. The only real way to make a difference is to change the future now. Start teaching all of our children the real importance of there future.
Joanna Campe
June 22, 2018 (4:23 pm)
Hi Yvette, we are looking for funding for an online educational project called Lets Remineralize! Science Education K-12. We will create lesson plans for teachers and students through an interactive website with a GIS map to post the results. Please contact me through the website if you are interested in helping us with this project. Joanna
Benjamin Richards
September 11, 2019 (1:45 pm)
I’m not drinking from this fountain… the movie was poorly made ( super imposing animals into screen nature shots), I understand carbon replenishment is key to soil regeneration, but BURNing our wood waste creates co2, so your worsening the problem we are trying to fix, to create carbon mass. Coal is over 90% carbon, and can be mined ( not hilltoping) very environmently safe ( not the days of our past),…. to increase carbon content in soil Mass, simply add coal grindings….