3 results for tag: Professor Suzi Huff Theodoro

RevivaSoil Test Run: UK Farmer Trials Remineralization Against Synthetic Fertilizer

From Left to Right: Andy Carp from Agrimagined, Geologist; Mark Mitchelmore, Technical Manager of Breedon Quarries Ltd; David Lomas, Dairy Farmer; Prof. Suzi Huff Theodoro; Andrew Ollier, Mixed Farmer; Bryan Ollier of Agrimagined, Agricultural Engineer; John Morris, Organic Farmer The right hand potato plant was treated with RevivaSoil only and the left hand plant with synthetic fertilisers only. (Click to enlarge) In England, Pickmere-area farmer Andrew Ollier has been running trials of experimental potato varieties alongside a separate trial with RevivaSoil rock dust supplied by Agrimagined Ltd. on potatoes to compare with his normal usage of ...

Remineralization’s Success in Brazil Draws Ire

At the moment there is a very strong clash within Embrapa, the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation, which recently released a policy clarification memo saying that there was no proof of the effectiveness of the use of rock powders. The use of remineralizers is growing rapidly among medium and large farmers. The fact that more and more people are using remineralizers, including conventional farmers who produce thousands of hectares, has put the chemical fertilizer producers on alert. This is particularly true because Brazil is not included in the global elite who control the production of fertilizers despite being the fourth biggest consumer ...

Rochagem Congress Part 2: Professor Suzi Huff Theodoro on the Importance of Promoting Remineralization

Professor Suzi Huff Theodoro speaking at the III Brazilian Rochagem Congress.   V. Miranda Chase, the director of RTE’s online research database, gave a presentation and represented us at the III Brazilian Rochagem Congress. You can read more about the conference in our previous article.    The III Brazilian Rochagem Congress took place in November 2016 at the Embrapa Temperate Climate Research Center in Pelotas in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. The conference explored new technological developments in remineralization and identified channels for institutional partnerships between government sectors, academia, and the private ...