3 results for tag: CDR
Revolutionary Carbon Capture Method Integrated into Wastewater Treatment Plants
Joachim Katchinoff and Kevin Vu of Crew Carbon
In episode #80 of Open Air’s video series, “This is CDR”, featured Joachim Katchinoff and Kevin Vu from Crew Carbon. This company approaches carbon removal through enhanced weathering in wastewater facilities. Crew Carbon's approach combines nature-based solutions with engineered processes to enhance carbon dioxide removal (CDR) and help combat climate change.
Enhanced weathering is the process of accelerating the natural weathering reactions that remove carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere by exposing rocks to CO2-rich compounds. This process dissolves the rocks and converts CO2 into a ...
InPlanet Takes On Climate Change and Advances Sustainable Farming with Local Soil Remineralizers
Is it possible to fight climate change while simultaneously supporting regenerative farming practices? The company InPlanet is showing that the answer is yes.
Make Climate Goals Attainable: Remineralize croplands
A truck spreading rock dust on a field. Photo by Ilsa Kantola, University of Illinois Champaign-Urbana
Paris Climate Agreement metrics are just out of reach
As of July 2021, the top 10 fossil carbon emitting nations are failing to meet their 2030 green-house gas (GHG) reduction goals, as pledged under the Paris Agreement. The Paris Agreement defines a hard warming limit to 2°C, but current status quo climate initiatives – even if met – will lead to a global warming of 2.6 - 3.1°C. Heating of this magnitude could set forth a cascade of irreversible effects. The Earth, and the communities it supports, are in crisis.
To make climate goals ...