Teaching children how to remineralize trees in Mexico

On June 4, RTE Mexico coordinator Jorge Vilaseñor recently gave an educational workshop to children in Zapopan, Jalisco and Mexico.


The children were given lots of information about the importance of remineralization of the soil so that our forests, our agriculture, and our health can be regenerated. They were taught how to remineralize the soils and trees, using a source of calcium and a hard-silicate rock dust which provides a broad spectrum of minerals and trace elements. They were also taught about seed germination, worm farming/vermiculture and forest stewardship. Approximately 500 students from different schools in the region took part in the workshops.

The RTE coordinator for Mexico is aiming to raise the consciousness of people and governing bodies about the importance of remineralizing agricultural land and forests in order to return fertility to the soil that has already been lost by the constant use of chemical products. Jorge is establishing a presence in Mexico through the coordination of state delegates. RTE Mexico already has delegates in Jalisco, Colima, Nayarit and Sinaloa.


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