14 results for group: magazine-article
How powdered rock could help slow climate change
"A method called enhanced rock weathering shows promise at capturing carbon dioxide from the air"
Ann Leslie Davis (2024)."How powdered rock could help slow climate change": Science News, Vol 205 #12
Could crushed rocks absorb enough carbon to curb global warming?
Peter Yeung
A little-examined form of geoengineering takes what rocks normally do—lock up carbon—and spreads it through the oceans.
Possibilities for Development of the Wood and Forestry Economy in Germany that Include Remineralization
Schwalm-Eder County in North Hesse is especially noteworthy for forestry research because of the potential for developing reforestation on a large scale, especially for the transformation of agricultural land into forests. There is so much overproduction in the agricultural Common Market that about 70% of the agricultural budget of $25 billion is used for the storage of overproduction or for the destruction of it. This has to lead at some point to less intensive agricultural production. The Common market now covers only 40% of its wood requirement; and aside from Japan, the Common Market countries import the most tropical wood, especially from West ...
Applications of Diabase Rock Dust in Brixlegg Forest
Foresters are applying lime in the Austrian forests against acid rain. They know that lime is too alkaline and destroys the humus because it destroys the acid-alkaline balance. Lime destroys the nitrogen compounds in the humus and it leaches nitrogen into the water which is a pollutant. Measurements show that with acid rain comes about 40, 50, 60 kilos of nitrogen per hectare.
The Weathering Properties of Silicate Rock Dust Under Laboratory Conditions
The ion exchange of the primary minerals is one of the central topics from the perspective of geological and soil scientific studies as well as papers concerning plant nutrition. The latter has been given great importance in the last years and decades as can be seen from the numerous publications addressing this theme. Today primary broadspectrum minerals hardly play a role as a carrier of nutrients in conventional agriculture
Information for the Application of Silicate Rock Dust for the Amelioration of Forest Soils
This report contains information for “fertilization with rock dust” with an orientation towards practical application. The widely used term “gesteinsmehl” will be limited here to pulverized rocks of silicate origin.
Pot Test Trial II of Basalt, Serpentine, Bentonite, Feldspar, and Kaolin
This is a report on the second set of pot test trials run by Dr. Gernot Graefe at the Gartnerhof in Ganserndorf Sud near Vienna.
Compensational Fertilization with Silicate Rock Dust For Buffering Damaged Forest Soils: First Experential Report
The fertilization of forest areas has increased substantially in recent years. In all, since 1982 over 500,000 hectares of forest were fertilized which is more than 7% of the forest area (in Germany). On about 95% of the areas fertilized in 1988, magnesium-containing lime (various types such as dolomite, limestone, etc.) was applied. On about 15% of the area, additional fertilization with several minerals, containing potassium and phosphorus were applied, in addition to the limestone.
Remineralization Trials: Minplus and Bananas A Cost Benefit Study
Banana Growers Kevin and Gary Harding have been trialing rock dust from Pin Gin Hill quarry since mid-1985. Using experience gained from these trials they radically altered their fertilizer applications, and in August 1990 planted out a 4 Hectare block using Minplus rock dust as the main fertilizer.
Effect of Silicate Rock Dust in Forests: Result of the Experiments in the Forest of Arenberg-Schleiden after Five Years
The advantage of rock dust is that it is a natural, raw material, and carrier of numerous minerals and trace elements with long term effect. The nutrients are released slowly and gently during the process of natural weathering in the forest ecosystem (without fertilization shock). In the following, we report the latest results of the experiments in the forest of Arenberg-Schleiden.