3 results for group: antonio-carlos-de-azevedo

Assessing the potential of soil carbonation and enhanced weathering through Life Cycle Assessment: A case study for Sao Paulo State, Brazil

David Lefebvre, Pietro Goglio, Adrian Williams, David A.C.Manning, Antonio Carlosde Azevedo, Magda Bergmann, Jeroen Meersmans, Pete Smith Abstract Enhanced silicate rock weathering for long-term carbon dioxide sequestration has considerable potential, but depends on the availability of suitable rocks coupled with proximity to suitable locations for field application. In this paper, we investigate the established mining industry that extracts basaltic rocks for construction from the Parana Basin, Sao Paulo State, Brazil. Through a Life Cycle Assessment, we determine the balance of carbon dioxide emissions involved in the use of this ...


Stonemeal is the application of crushed rocks in the soil. The objective of this work was to observe the action of microorganisms (inoculated and native) on the mineralization of basalt rock dust and to measure the elements released into the soil. This assessment was done by comparing decomposing particles of basalt powder applied to humic A horizon of a soil derived from granite. The basalt powder was collected at Cavinatto quarry, situated in Limeira-SP (Brazil). The experiment is being conducted in vitro, in isolated plastic containers with the following treatments: 1) soil; 2) sterilized soil; 3) soil without sterilization and with addition of ...


A rochagem é a aplicação de rochas moídas no solo. O objetivo desse trabalho foi observar a ação dos microorganismos (inoculados e nativos) na mineralização do pó-de-basalto e medir a liberação de elementos no solo. A avaliação foi feita comparando-se a decomposição de partículas de pó-debasalto aplicado ao horizonte A húmico de um solo derivado de granito. O póde-basalto utilizado foi coletado na Pedereira Cavinatto, situada Limeira-SP. O experimento está sendo realizado in vitro, em recipientes plásticos isolados com os seguintes tratamentos: 1) solo; 2) solo esterilizado; 3) solo sem esterilização mais adição de inóculo de ...