Sammy De
Sammy De
Barre, Massachusetts
August 9
I met Joanna Campe at the NOFA Conference 2008. I use Azomite in my garden along with my compost and have no need for fertilizers.
August 11
After producing well over 100 cucumbers, they are still producing these. This picture is asparagus, carrots, gourd and onions. All of which are totally disease free and insect free and absolutely chemical free.
August 12
I can’t really put into words how happy I am about the production of my garden. I recently decided that if the rock dust is that good at producing a garden like this why not try it on my front lawn, well in one day there was a difference – the lawn is lush and a beautiful green. I had some rhubarb that for three years produced a good crop and this year wasn’t doing so good…again, why not try Azomite? The very next day it showed signs of real health. I would like to thank Julie Rawson for suggesting I try remineralization, and I think my neighbors feel the same.
August 14
This dill is from July, it was at least 7 ft tall and had some very interesting visitors. I think this is a Swallow tail caterpillar. The before and afters are amazing.
August 18
Sammy here. Things are great especially in the garden. I’ve decided to become a member of RTE. I’m very excited about this. I listened to you, Dan and Don on your radio interview in North Carolina yesterday (press button in upper right-hand corner of RTE homepage to listen to the interview). I’m starting a community garden and was wondering if RTE has any advice on how to go about this.
August 18
I tried an experiment with the minerals, I used a spreader to scatter some minerals in about a 5′ X 50′ area about 5 or 6 weeks ago. Yesterday I was taking down the hyper wing in my yard and all along the area that I put down the minerals were worm castings, pretty cool huh.
October 29
I have found sources of free organic matter right here in Barre, MA. All of these free for the taking horse, cow, and chicken manure. I also have a source of free sawdust. So with each application of organic matter, I apply either summa or azomite. I’ve also expanded my garden. I now have 20 raised beds. This May I am going to have workshops in my yard with people from the University of Massachusetts (thanks to one of their students) and I will emphasize the importance on the use of rock dust. I also wanted to know if maybe you would need me to volunteer for something. Well, my garden this year was by far the best I’ve ever had and I know it’s only going to get better thanks to the amendments and to the wonderful volcanic ash and rock dust I have applied.
November 9
We’ve already had 4 hard (killing) frosts and there is still plenty to be had in the garden. The rutabaga and carrots pictured here – parsnips, cabbage, celeriac, and a few stray potatoes. All of these veggies are fantastic after a hard frost.
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