11 results for group: rock-dust-1
Parana basin basalt powder: A multinutrient soil amendment for enhancing soil chemistry and microbiology
This study evaluated the effects of Paran´a Basin basalt powder, a mining byproduct from southern Brazil, on the macro- and micronutrient content of two soil types, Oxisol (OX) and Typic Quartzipsamment (TQ), as well as the metabolic activity of soil microorganisms. Basalt powder doses were determined based on CaO levels required to correct Ca2+ levels in each soil, ranging from 0 to 4 times the recommended amount. Soil samples were collected for analysis after 60 and 170 days of incubation to assess soil attributes. Additionally, a laboratory study examined soil basal respiration (SBR) after 168 days of greenhouse incubation. The ...
BIOGEOCHEMICAL POTENTIAL OF INDIA – by Dr. Ishfaq Ahmad Mir-Meeting Recording
India's biogeochemical potential to feed the country and stabilize the climate
Dr. Ishfaq Ahmad Mir
Senior Geologist Geological Survey of India
State Unit Karnataka and Goa Bengaluru
Presented to the Geological Society of India; June , 2024
ERW Talk.pptx
This study aimed to test the efficiency of blends of silicate agrominerals as K sources for soybean crops. The experiment was conducted in the surroundings of Embrapa Cerrados, Planaltina – DF (TN: city in the Midwest, Brazil), in two field areas with similar climate conditions and different soil types: a medium texture soil and a clay soil. The experiment was carried out in 6 random blocks, with the following treatments: syenite and biotite schist (silicate rocks), and potassium chloride (conventional fertilizer), in doses of 0 kg, 60 kg, 120 kg, 240 kg, and 480 kg of K2O ha-1. The soil was prepared and the treatments on each plot were manually ...
Increased yield and CO2 sequestration potential with the C4 cereal Sorghum bicolor cultivated in basaltic rock dust-amended agricultural soil
Mike E. Kelland, Peter W. Wade, Amy L. Lewis, Lyla L. Taylor, Binoy Sarkar, M. Grace Andrews, Mark R. Lomas, T. E. Anne Cotton, Simon J. Kemp, Rachael H. James, Christopher R. Pearce, Sue E. Hartley, Mark E. Hodson, Jonathan R. Leake, Steven A. Banwart, David J. Beerling
Land-based enhanced rock weathering (ERW) is a biogeochemical carbon dioxide removal (CDR) strategy aiming to accelerate natural geological processes of carbon sequestration through application of crushed silicate rocks, such as basalt, to croplands and forested landscapes. However, the efficacy of the approach when undertaken with basalt, and its potential co-benefits ...
Applications of Diabase Rock Dust in Brixlegg Forest
Foresters are applying lime in the Austrian forests against acid rain. They know that lime is too alkaline and destroys the humus because it destroys the acid-alkaline balance. Lime destroys the nitrogen compounds in the humus and it leaches nitrogen into the water which is a pollutant. Measurements show that with acid rain comes about 40, 50, 60 kilos of nitrogen per hectare.
Pot Test Trial II of Basalt, Serpentine, Bentonite, Feldspar, and Kaolin
This is a report on the second set of pot test trials run by Dr. Gernot Graefe at the Gartnerhof in Ganserndorf Sud near Vienna.
Remineralization Trials: Minplus and Bananas A Cost Benefit Study
Banana Growers Kevin and Gary Harding have been trialing rock dust from Pin Gin Hill quarry since mid-1985. Using experience gained from these trials they radically altered their fertilizer applications, and in August 1990 planted out a 4 Hectare block using Minplus rock dust as the main fertilizer.
Effect of Silicate Rock Dust in Forests: Result of the Experiments in the Forest of Arenberg-Schleiden after Five Years
The advantage of rock dust is that it is a natural, raw material, and carrier of numerous minerals and trace elements with long term effect. The nutrients are released slowly and gently during the process of natural weathering in the forest ecosystem (without fertilization shock). In the following, we report the latest results of the experiments in the forest of Arenberg-Schleiden.
Efficacy, sustainability and diffusion potential of rock dust for soil remediation in Chontales, Nicaragua
To produce enough food for a growing population, soil remediation is crucial unless more forests are to be cleared to make way for agriculture land. Finely ground rocks have been proposed as a soil amendment for highly weathered soils. In Chontales, Nicaragua most of the forest has been converted to cattle pasture. In fertile soils, crop agriculture is more lucrative per unit of area than cattle grazing, but the low nutrient content of Chontales soils makes it uneconomic. The purpose of the study was to examine whether incorporation of rock dust is a sustainable way to increase the fertility in Chontales and thus can be part of a strategy that ...