6 results for group: p-renforth
Investigating carbonate formation in urban soils as a method for capture and storage of atmospheric carbon
C.-L.Washbourne, P.Renforth, D.A.C.Manninga
This paper investigates the potential for engineered urban soils to capture and store atmospheric carbon (C). Calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg) bearing waste silicate minerals within the soil environment can capture and store atmospheric C through the process of weathering and secondary carbonate mineral precipitation. Anthropogenic soils, known to contain substantial quantities of Ca and Mg-rich minerals derived from demolition activity (particularly cement and concrete), were systematically sampled at the surface across a 10 ha brownfield site, Science Central, located in the urban ...
Potential for large-scale CO2 removal via enhanced rock weathering with croplands
David J. Beerling, Euripides P. Kantzas, Mark R. Lomas, Peter Wade, Rafael M. Eufrasio, Phil Renforth, Binoy Sarkar, M. Grace Andrews, Rachael H. James, Christopher R. Pearce, Jean-Francois Mercure, Hector Pollitt, Philip B. Holden, Neil R. Edwards, Madhu Khanna, Lenny Koh, Shaun Quegan, Nick F. Pidgeon, Ivan A. Janssens, James Hansen & Steven A. Banwart
Enhanced silicate rock weathering (ERW), deployable with croplands, has potential use for atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) removal (CDR), which is now necessary to mitigate anthropogenic climate change. ERW also has possible co-benefits for improved food and soil security, and ...
Jens Hartmann, A. Joshua West, Phil Renforth, Peter Köhler, Christina L. De La Rocha, Dieter A. Wolf-Gladrow, Hans H. Dürr, Jürgen Scheffran
Chemical weathering is an integral part of both the rock and carbon cycles and is being affected by changes in land use, particularly as a result of agricultural practices such as tilling, mineral fertilization, or liming to adjust soil pH. These human activities have already altered the terrestrial chemical cycles and land-ocean flux of major elements, although the extent remains difficult to quantify. When deployed on a grand scale, Enhanced Weathering (a form of mineral fertilization), ...
Carbonate Precipitation in Artificial Soils Produced from Basaltic Quarry Fines and Composts: An Opportunity for Passive Carbon Sequestration
D.A.C. Manning, P. Renforth, E. Lopez-Capel, S. Robertson, N. Ghazireh
The proportions of different carbon pools within artificial soils prepared by blending composts with dolerite and basalt quarry fines has changed over a period of 7 years, accumulating inorganic carbon as carbonate minerals newly formed within the soils. With no artificial energy inputs following construction, this is regarded as a passive mineral carbonation process. Carbon isotope data show that up to 40% of the carbon within the soil carbonate is derived from photosynthesis, mixed with carbon from geological sources (limestone present in the quarry fines). ...
Carbonate Precipitation in Artificial Soils as a Sink for Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide
P.Renforth, D.A.C.Manning, E.Lopez-Capel
Turnover of C in soils is the dominant flux in the global C cycle and is responsible for transporting 20 times the quantity of anthropogenic emissions each year. This paper investigates the potential for soils to be modified with Ca-rich materials (e.g. demolition waste or basic slag) to capture some of the transferred C as geologically stable CaCO3. To test this principal, artificial soil known to contain Ca-rich minerals (Ca silicates and portlandite) was analysed from two sites across NE England, UK. The results demonstrate an average C content of 30±15.3 Kg C m^-2 stored as CaCO3, ...
Silicate production and availability for mineral carbonation
P. Renforth*, C.-L. Washbourne, J. Taylder, and D. A. C. Manning
Atmospheric carbon dioxide sequestered as carbonates through
the accelerated weathering of silicate minerals is proposed as a climate change
mitigation technology with the potential to capture billions of tonnes of carbon
per year. Although these materials can be mined expressly for carbonation, they
are also produced by human activities (cement, iron and steel making, coal
combustion, etc.). Despite their potential, there is poor global accounting of
silicates produced in this way. This paper presents production estimates (by
proxy) of various ...