2 results for group: mike-kelland
A new soil-based approach for empirical monitoring of enhanced rock weathering rates
Tom Reershemius, Mike E. Kelland, Isabelle R. Davis, Rocco D’Ascanio, Boriana Kalderon Asael, Dan Asael, Dimitar E. Epihov , David J. Beerling, Christopher T. Reinhard , Noah J. Planavsky
Enhanced rock weathering (ERW) has been touted as a scalable and cost-effective
potential carbon dioxide removal (CDR) strategy with significant environmental and agronomic co-benefits. However, a major barrier to implementation of ERW at scale is a robust monitoring, reporting, and verification (MRV) framework that can accurately, precisely, and cost-effectively measure the amount of carbon dioxide being removed by ERW in the field. Here we outline ...
Increased yield and CO2 sequestration potential with the C4 cereal Sorghum bicolor cultivated in basaltic rock dust-amended agricultural soil
Mike E. Kelland, Peter W. Wade, Amy L. Lewis, Lyla L. Taylor, Binoy Sarkar, M. Grace Andrews, Mark R. Lomas, T. E. Anne Cotton, Simon J. Kemp, Rachael H. James, Christopher R. Pearce, Sue E. Hartley, Mark E. Hodson, Jonathan R. Leake, Steven A. Banwart, David J. Beerling
Land-based enhanced rock weathering (ERW) is a biogeochemical carbon dioxide removal (CDR) strategy aiming to accelerate natural geological processes of carbon sequestration through application of crushed silicate rocks, such as basalt, to croplands and forested landscapes. However, the efficacy of the approach when undertaken with basalt, and its potential co-benefits ...