1 result for group: marek-jakubowski
The usefulness of the rock dust for the remediation of soils contaminated with nickel
Marek Jakubowski, Ewa Stanisławska-Glubiak, Bernard Gałka
The purpose of this research was to examine whether the addi-tion of waste rock dust to light soil contaminated with nickel will increase the yields of cultivated plants and reduce their excessive nickel content. The research was conducted in concrete microplots of 1 m2 dimension in the complete randomisation system, as a two-factor experiment in four replications. The first factor was the level of soil contamination: (1) Ni0 – soil with natural Ni content; (2) Ni1 – 100; (3) Ni2 – 150 and (4) Ni3 – 270 mg • kg-1 of the soil. The second factor was the level of ...