197 results for group: agriculture-1

Rocks for Crops: Agrominerals of sub-Saharan Africa.

A productive and sustainable agricultural system is fundamental to the well being of a nation and a cornerstone of its development. In most of sub-Saharan Africa, more than 50% of the population rely on agriculture for their livelihood, which generally contributes more than 30% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Agriculture is the major source of income, employment, food security and survival for the majority of the population. While agricultural production is steadily increasing in sub-Saharan Africa, the population is growing faster than food production. The result is a net decline in per-capita food production, which contributes to increased food ...

Evaluation for the Potential Use of Silicate Rocks from Four Volcanoes in Indonesia as Fertilizer and Soil Ameliorant

Silicate rocks, the abundant plant nutrient source in Indonesia, have not been evaluated for use as a fertilizer/and soil ameliorant. This research was aimed to identify (1) mineral and elemental compositions of silicate rocks originated from Galunggung, Kelud, Tambora, and Rinjani Volcanoes and (2) soil properties determining dissolution rate of plant nutrients from the silicate rock fertilizers (SRFs). The rocks were ground with a ball mill for 10 min providing SRFs with medians of particle size of 30 – 50 m. Each SRF was added to 6 soils from West Java, East Java, and Lombok Island at a rate equivalent to 20 t ha-1, incubated for 28 days in a ...

A holistic approach to mitigating pathogenic effects on trees

The conventional ‘disease model’ approach to tree health focuses on identifying and controlling a specific pathogen (or pest) implicated as the causal agent of tree decline. Alternatively there are more holistic approaches in tree health that address a broader suite of processes occurring at the ecosystem level which may be predisposing the trees to infection by disease. Here I describe a holistic methodology that takes into account not only the proximal agents involved in tree decline, but also the age and structure of the forest, the abundance of cryptogams, the fire history, the acidity of the precipitation, the fertility of the soil, and the ...

Efficacy, sustainability and diffusion potential of rock dust for soil remediation in Chontales, Nicaragua

To produce enough food for a growing population, soil remediation is crucial unless more forests are to be cleared to make way for agriculture land. Finely ground rocks have been proposed as a soil amendment for highly weathered soils. In Chontales, Nicaragua most of the forest has been converted to cattle pasture. In fertile soils, crop agriculture is more lucrative per unit of area than cattle grazing, but the low nutrient content of Chontales soils makes it uneconomic. The purpose of the study was to examine whether incorporation of rock dust is a sustainable way to increase the fertility in Chontales and thus can be part of a strategy that ...

Prehistoric agricultural depletion of soil nutrients in Hawai‘i

We investigated the fate of soil nutrients after centuries of indigenous dryland agriculture in Hawai‘i using a coupled geochemical and archaeological approach. Beginning 500 years ago, farmers began growing dryland taro and sweet potato on the leeward slopes of East Maui. Their digging sticks pierced a subsurface layer of cinders, enhancing crop access to the soil water stored below the intact cinders. Cultivation also catalyzed nutrient losses, directly by facilitating leaching of mobile nutrients after disturbing a stratigraphic barrier to vertical water movement, and indirectly by increasing mineral weathering and subsequent uptake and harvest. ...

Global Soil Nutrient Depletion and Yield Reduction

Nutrient depletion in soils adversely affects soil quality and reduces crop yield and consequently poses a potential threat to global food security and agricultural sustainability. With an emphasis on human-induced nutrient depletion, this paper described the causality among soil nutrient depletion, soil quality, crop production, socio-economic variables, and environmental condition. Then, global soil nutrient budgets of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) were estimated for wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), rice (Oryza sativa), maize (Zeamays L.), and barley (Hordeum vulgare) production for the year 2000. As a result, there were unbalanced ...


O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a utilização de rochas como fonte de potássio, fósforo e seus efeitos na recuperação de uma pastagem de Brachiaria decumbens. O experimento foi instalado na Embrapa Cerrados, em Planaltina -DF, em 21 de janeiro de 2011, quando foram aplicados os seguintes tratamentos:Tl- testemunha absoluta, sem aplicação de adubos solúveis e rocha;T2,T3 eT4;T6,T7 eT8;T10; T11 -testemunha sem aplicação de fertilizante potássico, com apenas 60 kg ha·1 P2O5 como ST. Todos os fertilizantes foram aplicados em superfície e incorporados com uso de grade pesada e niveladora para posterior semeadura da Brachiaria ...


Neste trabalho foi estudada a quantidade de liberação do potássio contido em uma amostra de flogopitito, rocha que contem o mineral flogopita, da região de Campo Formoso,Bahia. A caracterização mineralógica e química da rocha, feita por meio de difração dos raios-X, microscopia eletrônica de varredura, espectroscopia no infravermelho e fluorescência de raios- X mostrou que o mineral flogopita contém em torno de 8% de K2O,com os ions potássio nas posições interlamelares. A extração do potássio foi estudada, utilizando-se água, ssoluções ácidas (acido nítrico, cítrico, oxálico e solução Mehlich-1) e salina (tetrafenilbor...


O presente estudo analisa a viabilidade de uso do pó de rocha obtido pela moagem dos rejeitos de mineração do Garimpo de Monte Santo-TO,a partir dos custos de beneficiamento,do preço das fontes convencionais de K, Ca e Mg e do valor do frete na região, levando em conta duas estratégias de uso- substituição ou complementação das fontes convencionais de nutrientes. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/295099176_Anais_do_II_Congresso_Brasileiro_de_Rochagem_coletanea_de_varios_autores


O atual modelo produtivo agrícola de grãos praticado nos chapadões do sul dos estados do Maranhão e Piauí, segundo as análises de futuro utilizando-se ferramentas de planejaéento estrategico, manifesta-se insustentável no médio-longo prazos.Levantamentos geol6gicos elaborados nessa região apontam para a extensa ocorrência de agrominerais e corpos rochosos favoráveis à prática da rochagem, o que contribuirá para a conservação dos solos e recursos hídricos. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/295099176_Anais_do_II_Congresso_Brasileiro_de_Rochagem_coletanea_de_varios_autores